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Awesome game.  Sad I couldn't put down my sword to deal with the red spirit

Hi! I don't know how well I can put into words how thrilled I was, seeing that you made another game, but I am!! It's a pretty solemn one, from my perspective, but I really like it... It's an interesting change seeing the story told mainly from the environment than from like characters! Wondering what caused the ruins to happen, wondering where our brother is...  Needless to say, I enjoyed it! The combat was pretty fun too, though I did find it tricky to get the hang of! I only realized after checking the walkthrough after I beat the game I could've made it lots easier for myself haha.

Thanks for the game! :)

This  might be one of my favorite games of all time

Can't wait!


Oh this is so hype


Woah this looks cool as hell, looking forward to it.